Use more criteria to, Find FDIC Insured Banks and their locations, Get comprehensive financial or demographic reports, Get current and historical data, Find groups of banks, Find a bank holding company (BHC). Branch Office Deposits Summary of Deposits (SOD).
Welcome to the FDIC's Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE). EDIE is an interactive application that can help you learn about deposit insurance. It allows you to calculate the insurance coverage of your accounts at each FDIC-insured institution.
FDIC Real Estate Listings provides prospective buyers an opportunity to browse available properties across the nation and reach out to designated contacts for more.
FDIC BankFind can provide bankers (and consumers) with a variety of helpful information about a financial institution, including the bank's status, website URL, headquarter location, number of branches, year of establishment, and other historical information. Learn more tips for using FDIC BankFind.
Bank Name What's This?
Note:Because EDIE only calculates coverage for one bank at a time, the bank name you enter will be set for the duration of your session or until you click 'Create a new report'.
Add new account
What's This? What's This? What's This?
You have added the maximum number of accounts to your report. If you still need assistance in determining the insurance coverage of your accounts, contact the FDIC at 1-877-275-3342.
Personal Account
Ownership Type
To make sure this report is accurate use the identical name for each person in this report. For example, Mary Jane Smith and M. J. Smith are different people to EDIE.
What's This?
Is the grantor living?
What's This?
What's This?
Is the owner living?
What's This?
Is the beneficiary living?
Is this charity/non-profit org. recognized by the IRS?
Account Nickname
Account Balance
What's This?
Deposit Type
Meets the requirements for Unlimited Coverage?
Business Account
This account is held by a
What's This? What's This? What's This?
Business Name
XX-XXXXXXXWhat's This?
Account Nickname
Account Balance
What's This?
Deposit Type
Meets the requirements for Unlimited Coverage?
Is this account a non-profit business account?
Government Account
Account Holder
Official Custodian
What's This?
Meets requirements?
Name of Public Unit
What's This?
Meets requirements?
Is the bank located in the same state as the Public Unit? What's This?